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Monday, May 30, 2016

Best Answer: Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop

Summary: When you quit the Microsoft Magnifier tool, an unusable area may be left at the top of the desktop. Icons dragged to this unusable area may seem to disappear.

Solution: If you fix Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop error in time, your PC will run like brand new. To solve Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop problems effectively and efficiently, install a good Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop Error Removal Tool is a smart solution. This is an advanced optimizing tool the can repair all those problems that are slowing your computer down.

Try Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop Removal Program Now

In order to repair Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop problem, use the SmartPCFixer software program. This optimization tool is already proven to locate, identify, and remove Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop errors. Speed up your PC with SmartPCFixer at once

Method for Advanced Users

To resolve this issue, refresh the desktop by dragging the taskbar to the top of the screen and then back to its original location.

If files seem to be missing from the desktop, right-click the desktop, point to Arrange Icons, and then click Auto Arrange.

What Else Does SmartPCFixer Offer You?

SmartPCFixer™ is not only able to troubleshoot Quitting Magnifier May Leave Unusable Area on Desktop error, but also help identify and fix Windows' invalid registry entries. By running Scan & Cleaner as part of scheduled maintenance, it will keep your PC from freezing or frequent crashes . Using it will reduce the probability of you getting a "blue screen", program not responding or lock up.

SmartPCFixer is designed to scan, diagnose and repair your operating system. Using it results in better optimization, manages startup and desktop, assists you with maintaining browser objects, internet options, system service, and repairs file extensions. With this arsenal of powerful, sophisticated utilities your system is tuned to run at its optimal state. Included are Easy Repair Wizard, Error Utilities, File Association fixer, Register ActiveX, Shortcuts Fixer, Winsock2 Repair toolkit, Dll Fixer and more.

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